20 Quote Drakor All of Us Are Dead, Dari Makna Sahabat Sampai Pengkhianat
- Netflix
10. “It happens.” “Kids fight. They were bullied because they deserved it.” Those who thought that and shunned them made this world what it is! -Lee Byeong Chan-
11. Please stop acting like human trash. No one respects you just because you act tough. -Lee Cheong San-
12. In some countries, they are sadder when adults die than when children die. And in others, they are sadder when children die. -Choi Nam Ra-
13. When kids die, you lose hope. When adults die, you lose their wisdom. -Oh Joon Yeong-
14. People with important information need to survive. -Jeon Ho Cheol-
15. Falling from the third floor won’t hurt as much as failing to get into college. -Park Mi Jin-
16. Assholes fighting to stay alive and coming at you hoping to die are impossible to beat. -Song Jae Il-