13 Quote Drama Korea Woori The Virgin, Dari Pacaran Sampai Menikah

Quote Drama Korea Woori The Virgin
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OlretWoori the Virgin adalah judul drama Korea anyar yang baru tayang di tahun 2022 ini. Drama yang satu ini mengusung genre satire dan juga romance dalam ceritanya. Baru tayang di VIU dengan dua episode. Drama Woori the Virgin dibintangi oleh Lim Soo Hyang, Sung Hoon, dan juga Shin Dong Wook.

Drama ini mengikuti kisah seorang perempuan yang bernama Woo Ri. Ia bekerja sebagai seorang asisten penulis serial drama yang populer.Bagi kamu yang penasaran, kamu bisa langsung menontonnya di viu tv ya.

13 Quote Drama Korea Woori The Virgin, Dari Pacaran Sampai Menikah

Quote Drama Korea Woori The Virgin

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1. "I asked you out when I knew my feelings for you were serious, and I was willing to wait for you. I consider your principle more valuable than having a typical relationship.” – Kang Jae

2. “When a man decides something, you ought to do it right away. Why would you wait two years?” – Officer Lee

3. “He’s perfect but there’s just one thing that is missing.” – Woori

4. “Thank you for liking someone like me.” – Woori

5. “If your girlfriend brings up marriage first, you’ll regret it for life. A man should propose first.” – Officer Lee

6. “Why did you keep me? If you were going to regret it that much, you shouldn’t have kept me.” – Woori

7. “To daughters, foes are their mothers. To mothers, foes are their daughters.” – Woori’s mom

8. “They say most daughters suffer the same fate as their mothers’.” – Woori’s mom

9-13 Quote Drama Korea Woori The Virgin, Dari Pacaran Sampai Menikah

9. “You think money can solve everything, right? There are things you can’t do with money. Not my daughter. You can’t ruin her life even if it can save my life.” – Woori’s mom

10. “You just healed the scar in my heart.” – Woori

11. I want to give a chance to this baby.” – Woori

12. “If Mary’s grandma was against it, Jesus wouldn’t have been born.” – Woori

13. “You’re not Virgin Mary. Will you give birth to Jesus?” – Woori’s grandma