Lia ITZY Mengumumkan Hiatus Sementara Karena Alasan Kesehatan

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  • Twitter/ soompi

OlretLia ITZY untuk sementara akan menghentikan aktivitasnya karena masalah kesehatan. Pada tanggal 18 September, JYP Entertainment membagikan pengumuman berikut melalui komunitas penggemar resmi ITZY

Halo, ini JYPE.

Kami ingin memberi tahu Anda tentang status kesehatan Lia anggota ITZY dan aktivitasnya di masa depan.

Lia menjalani konsultasi dan pemeriksaan karena mengalami ketegangan dan kecemasan yang luar biasa dalam menjalankan jadwal aktivitasnya dan mendapat saran medis bahwa ia memerlukan istirahat dan pengobatan.

Dengan kesehatan artis sebagai prioritas utama kami, setelah berdiskusi secara hati-hati dengan para anggota, kami memutuskan bahwa Lia tidak akan berpartisipasi dalam aktivitas yang dijadwalkan mulai hari ini dan akan beristirahat sejenak untuk fokus pada perawatannya.

Waktu dimulainya kembali aktivitas Lia akan diputuskan setelah diskusi yang cukup antara Lia dan anggota.

Kami dengan tulus meminta maaf karena menimbulkan kekhawatiran bagi penggemar.

Kami akan mengumumkan dimulainya kembali aktivitas Lia segera setelah diputuskan.

Terima kasih.

Pada hari itu, Lia memposting surat tulisan tangan kepada penggemar di akun Instagram ITZY.

Hello, MIDZY.

I think MIDZY must have been surprised to hear today’s news. Since MIDZY worries about me more than anyone else even when I am a little sick, I was worried that you would be heartbroken and sad when you heard the news. But at the same time, because MIDZY knows and believes in me more than anyone else, I was able to muster the courage, knowing you would understand and wait for me.

It’s been six years since I began this journey together with the members I met through our shared dream! I was able to go through that time and come this far thanks to the members and MIDZY. It feels like we’ve passed by so many things one after another. Of course, those times must also be filled with our memories and happy moments we spent together. Although they were such precious times, I came to realize that I’ve been gradually losing myself while running up to this point.

MIDZY are the people that I am always grateful to more than anyone else, so my only wish is to give you my love and happiness back. To that end, I felt like I needed to take some time off to love and fill myself first. As I always say, I sincerely hope that MIDZY will be happy. I will work to return in good health in order to repay how much MIDZY wait and worry for me.

Thank you always, and I love you.

From Lia.