Prosesi Pemakaman dan Pemakaman Moonbin ASTRO Akan Dirahasiakan

Moonbin Astro
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OlretFantagio telah merilis pernyataan tambahan tentang proses pemakaman Moonbin ASTRO.

This is Fantagio.

Moonbin’s funeral procession will be on April 22.

As previously announced, the funeral procession and burial site will not be revealed in accordance with the bereaved family’s wishes.

Once again, we ask for reporters’ generous understanding so that the ASTRO members and bereaved family can send the deceased off beautifully on his final journey.

Additionally, we thank everyone who has sent their deep condolences.

Dalam pernyataan sebelumnya, Fantagio meminta privasi dan menyampaikan keinginan keluarga Moonbin untuk melaksanakan pemakamannya secara diam-diam.