15 Quote Drakor The Sound Of Magic, Ngena Bangat di Kehidupan Nyata
Minggu, 6 Agustus 2023 - 16:05 WIB
Sumber :
- Netflix
8. Whatever pride I’m selling for a few hundred thousand won can always be bought back once I make a lot of money later. -Yoon A Yi-
Quote Drakor The Sound Of Magic, Ngena Bangat di Kehidupan Nyata
9. Seeing something with your eyes Doesn’t always mean it’s true You’re only seeing what you believe -Ri Eul-
10. I’m not saying you should only do what you want. You should do whatever it is you want to do just as much as the things you don’t want to do. -Ri Eul-
11. Poverty isn’t anything to be ashamed of. -Student-
12. Having a dream is easy, but not everyone gets to make theirs come true. -Na Il Deung’s mother-
13. You can still be happy without the approval of others. -Na Il Deung-
Halaman Selanjutnya
14. Magic doesn’t create miracles, but allows you to discover them. -Yoon A Yi-