15+ Kalimat Realistis Dari Drama Korea, Pasti Kamu Sudah Nonton!

Our Blues
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  • tvN

7 Alasan Kamu Harus Menonton Drama Korea Suspicious Partner

“Even a lie becomes the truth if consistent, and one inconsistency turns the truth into a lie.” – Military Prosecutor Doberman

“Nothing in life is free. Once your salary goes up, you have to work even harder.” – Kill Heel

7 Drama Korea Han Suk Kyu yang Cocock Ditonton Saat Weekend

“Do you think we live with pointless anxiety?” – Through The Darkness

“Compassion is forbidden when it comes to eviction. Your goodwill can come back to bite you. It’s good to help but if it fails, the person who received your help will start clawing at you.” – Again My Life

10 Film dan Drama Korea yang Diperankan Oleh Kim Ok Bin