Moonbin ASTRO Ditemukan Meninggal pada Usia 25 tahun, Polisi Menduga Bunuh Diri

Moonbin ASTRO
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OlretMoonbin ASTRO ditemukan meninggal dunia pada usia 25 tahun, polisi menduga bunuh diri.

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Anggota grup K-pop populer ASTRO, Moonbin, meninggal pada 19 April 2023. Dia berusia 25 tahun. Menurut laporan, dia ditemukan meninggal dunia di kediamannya di distrik Gangnam Seoul, Korea Selatan oleh manajernya. Agensinya Fantagio mengeluarkan pernyataan resmi.

Moonbin ASTRO

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Berikut pernyataan resmi dari Fantagio

"This is Fantagio. First, we apologize for having to convey this sorrowful and heartbreaking news.

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"On April 19, ASTRO member Moonbin suddenly left us and has now become a star in the sky.

"Although it cannot compare to the grief of the bereaved family that had to part with their beloved son and brother, his fellow artists and the staff here at Fantagio, who have been together with him for a long time, are also deeply mourning the departed amidst tremendous shock and sorrow.

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