25 Quote Drakor Through The Darkness, Dari Putus Asa Sampai Perjuangan

Through The Darkness
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13. “And the victims were attacked from the front, not from behind.” – Inspector Hayoung

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14. “In order for his anger to blow up, he should at least be in his early 30s to have enough social provocation.” – Inspector Hayoung

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15. “People in their 20s tend to be more impulsive with their emotions. Perhaps that’s why their crimes are mostly random, without a plan or bringing changes into their MO.” – Inspector Hayoun

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16. “Didn’t you hear such a childhood could cause you to become a serial killer? You see, the prison is full of them. People like me who have no one to lean on. People who are alone in this world.” – Criminal


17. “Don’t people like me all have the same story? An abusive father. And no one to lean. I had a miserable childhood.” – Criminal

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