Beauty Newbie, Drama Terbaru Win Metawin dan Baifern Pimchanok
Sampai dengan 27 November 2022, Trailer dari drama ini sudah ditonton lebih dari 326 ribu. Berikut beberapa komentar warganet di akun Youtube GMMTV.
"I'm really having high hopes for this series as it has got so much potential; the stellar cast and the good plot, not to mention the electrifying chemistry between the main lead, this deserves to go worldwide. I just wish that the team puts their all into making it a success without compromising the quality. All my best wishes to this series.❤️", tulis akun Sampurna Sinha
"i'm excited to see the 2023 Thai version of this. it's one of those stories that are funny and enjoyable while touching a bit more serious themes of the modern world. Beauty stereotypes in the 21st century and social pressure to fit in those stereotypes is actually still very much a problem. even though we're in an era where we hear "just be yourself", "you are unique and one of a kind" there's still a lot of stigma around how people are supposed to look and act. ps. it's been 4-5 years since "my id is gangnam beauty" wow", tulis akun nightsky