Ucapan Kenaikan Isa Almasih 2023 Penuh Doa dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris
Selasa, 9 Mei 2023 - 16:11 WIB
Sumber :
- Pexels/Kaboompics
24. He saves us from sorrow, he brings us his blessing. Wishing you a peaceful Ascension Day.
25. Let us fold our hands and bow our heads. Let us open up our hearts and express gratitude to him. Happy Ascension Day.
26. May this Ascension Day be a moment of happiness for all of us.
27. Happy Ascension Day for those who celebrate. May this holy day give us joy and happiness.
28. When the spirit arouses in our heart, that is when God lights up our life. Wishing you a blessed Ascension Day.
29. Wishing you happiness and love on this holy Ascension Day.
30. Ascension Day gives us a chance to thank Isa Al Masih for blessing our lives in different ways. Wishing a very Happy Ascension Day.
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