Dugaan Catatan Bunuh Diri Ditemukan Oleh Polisi atas Kematian HAESOO
Rabu, 17 Mei 2023 - 05:28 WIB
Sumber :
We apologize for having to provide such devastating and tragic news.
HAESOO departed our side on May 12 to become a light in the vast ocean.
HAESOO was a kind person who knew how to love those around her, convey compassion, and be loved in return.
Her heartbroken family, as well as her friends and colleagues, are all mourning her with heavy hearts after learning of the tragic news.
The funeral will be held softly and privately, as requested by the sad family. We respectfully request that you abstain from spreading rumours, nasty claims, and conjecture so that the bereaved family can mourn and send off the departed in peace.”
Konfirmasi bunuh diri dan penyelidikan
Halaman Selanjutnya
Sesuai laporan polisi pada 13 Mei, seorang penyanyi trot ditemukan tewas di rumah mereka pada 12 Mei, bersama catatan yang diduga bunuh diri. Pada 15 Mei, secara resmi dikonfirmasi bahwa individu yang dimaksud adalah HAESOO.